Cosmetic Changes Won’t Stop American Collapse
Democrats are rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic while Texans freeze to death. This is precisely how empires collapse. Debating arcane shit like the filibuster while people are literally exposed to the elements.
America needs generational change and they’re getting a bunch of bullshit. Instead of making black lives matter, they get Black Lives Matters PLAZA. Instead of relief from debt peonage, they get Harriet Tubman on a $20 bill. Instead of an end to endless war, they get trans soldiers. It’s a fucking joke.
In lieu of different, Americans are getting diverse. A black arms dealer in the Defense (Offense) Department. A corrupt woman in the Treasury. Meanwhile many of the same sabotaging Trump bastards are still in their posts, like DeJoy at the Post Office. What’s the fucking point?
FDR gave America the New Deal. Joe Biden is playing ‘Let’s Make A Deal’. A $2,000 cheque becomes $1,400. $50,000 student debt relief becomes $10,000. Instead of a bold first term, Americans are getting terms and conditions apply. It’s not going to work.
None of this is enough to pull out of collapse. Democrats are just changing speed, not the destination. It’s like driving off a cliff and saying…