The last trick in the arsenal of Democracy™ is Zombie Democracy. This is where your government is dead — people vote it out or can’t vote — but it lumbers on anyways, eating brains.
Take, for example the United States, which decapitated its President on July 20th but can’t recapitate until January 20th, because their Constitution is shitty. They’re running around like a chicken with its head cut off, except the chicken is a T-Rex and still quite capable of mauling children. Remember what everyone has forgotten. No ‘one’ is in charge of America right now. First Joe Biden’s constitution failed and now they have this Constitutional conundrum. America will be without a functioning President for six months. They’ve given the game away. It doesn’t matter if America has a President at all. American democracy doesn’t exist. It’s just a reality TV show put on by a megacorporation.
Take, also, France, please. In France, leftists won the general election and the President appointed a right-wing government anyways. Or tale Germany (also, away). The governing coalition of whatshisname has fallen apart but continues governing somehow. Or Peru, where they couped and caged an elected President and installed someone with a 90% disapproval rating. Or Pakistan and my own country Sri Lanka (until recently). In all these…