Why Civil War Is Too Good For America

The whole place needs to be defeated

4 min readJan 27, 2024
States that have declared support for Texas’s posturing cruelty to migrants, and other states who like to oppress more discretely. Via

The one thing Americans will fight a civil war about is how to oppress their underclass. Whether they’re legal property (slaves) or illegal immigrants, America requires an underclass, that goes without question. The only dispute is how crass they are about it. “Conservatives’ want to openly enslave/cage the underclass, and ‘Liberals’ want to be more subtle about it. Hence any ‘civil war’ is a conflict between psychopaths. The underlying pathology is never questioned. I am reminded of the socialist fairy tale about the conference of chickens, where they debated how exactly they should be cooked. One chicken suggested not being eaten at all, and was promptly shouted out.

Today, the latest dispute is how much razor wire should be put on the southern border. The stolen state of Texas is making a big show about ‘a lot, and sharper!’ while the Federal Government wants to throw away the human right to claim asylum as a ‘compromise’. These are both horrible positions which also miss the source of the problem entirely. They’re trying to solve a crisis of imperialism with sheer imperiousness on the border.

The fact is that America — as the land of the property — needs an underclass. That cotton ain’t gonna pick itself! The political class only differs in their degrees of…




Indrajit (Indi) Samarajiva is a Sri Lankan writer. Follow me at www.indi.ca, or just email me at indi@indi.ca.