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Why America Will Collapse Without A Green New Deal

American civilization is simply running out of energy
9 min readJun 11, 2020

America is going to collapse. In fact, it’s been collapsing for years. Children are poorer than their parents. Life expectancy is in decline. This sort of declining society is highly prone to violent shocks — plagues, hunger, unrest. Get enough shocks and the whole thing comes tumbling down. The way things are going, America is bound for collapse.


Looking back, historians may say that 9/11 caused American collapse, or COVID-19, but these are just symptoms. Historians that have looked back at ancient civilizations always talk about energy. How a civilization lives and dies is based on the energy flows it controls. Kardashev, who looked forward, identified energy as the only measure of galactic civilization.

To understand why America is collapsing, you have to follow the plug into the wall. The story of power is about power.

It’s about energy. This is the story and theory of energy, and why America is bound for collapse unless it makes a Green New Deal fast.

The Story Of Energy

The idea that civilizations are deeply tied to energy flows is well-established. Joseph A. Tainter talks about it in the…



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Indrajit (Indi) Samarajiva is a Sri Lankan writer. Follow me at, or just email me at

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