White Refugees from COVID-19

And why we don’t call white people that

7 min readJul 16, 2020
It’s black and white

My friends are white refugees. They escaped the disease-ridden, badly governed island nation of England and came to a beachside villa in Sri Lanka. They’re white refugees.

We laugh.

Refugees aren’t white. Refugees aren’t rich. Lol.

But really, what’s the difference? They weren’t forced to flee, but they did leave for a better life. I have another friend who came here from America. I know people who were abroad and just haven’t come back. How do white people even have this option when people in more dire straits do not?

Those are rhetorical questions. We know the answer. White power. It’s temporarily suppressed by the plague, but it’ll come roaring back.

It’s not funny.

Some Theory

Citizenship and passports seem solid but they crumble upon the slightest examination. Dimitry Kochenov and Joseph Carens have written deeply about this. I will summarize them offensively here.

The New Feudalism




Indrajit (Indi) Samarajiva is a Sri Lankan writer. Follow me at www.indi.ca, or just email me at indi@indi.ca.