White Empire Is Playing Russian Roulette With Sanctions

Blowing their own brains out with a golden gun

5 min readMar 1, 2022

Empire is a loose, baggy thing, held together by guns and gold. If an Empire loses wars and its money loses value, then it’s well on its way to oblivion. In a series of historical self-owns, White Empire is doing this to itself.

Attacked by ‘barbarians’ on 9/11, White Empire lashed out violently across the globe, killing millions and displacing tens of millions. Far from being a show of force, however, it has turned into a bloody farce.

The truth is that this empire has already met its ‘graveyard’ in Afghanistan. White Empire’s illusion of military power has already been destroyed. What’s left now is just a military-industrial zombie, backed by a propaganda media force, also eating brains.

The truth is that, historically, speaking White Empire is already dead. What we’re living with now is just a rotting zombie, still biting but fundamentally empty.

While this zombie can still devour poor people in Yemen, Syria, and Palestine, it cannot stand against a conventional force like Russia. While they’ve been merrily killing poor brown people without consequence, killing…




Written by indi.ca

Indrajit (Indi) Samarajiva is a Sri Lankan writer. Follow me at www.indi.ca, or just email me at indi@indi.ca.

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