What We SHOULD Learn From The Pandemic

I mean, we won’t cause the West is deranged, but the lessons are there

8 min readDec 4, 2021

After SARS, East Asian countries were scared shitless and got their shit together for the next pandemic. Now that SARS‑CoV‑2 has hit everybody, we need to get our shit together now. Not for COVID-19, but for the next one. Like East Asia, we have to build up our public immune systems. This is how.

The First Realizations

Before getting to what exactly, we need to discuss why. There are a few important realizations about our current reality.

  1. The first realization is that a pandemic is not a short-term problem. You can’t just fight the pandemic in front of you, you have to prepare for pandemics in general.
  2. The second realization is that pandemics are global by definition. The word literally means global disease. Without cooperation regardless of whatever conflicts you’re having, everyone is fucked.
  3. The third realization is that we have two immune systems, one personal and one public. Public health has to catch new pathogens, our personal health is too weak.
  4. The final and most important realization is that pandemics are environmental problems. If we keep fucking with the environment, the environment…




Indrajit (Indi) Samarajiva is a Sri Lankan writer. Follow me at www.indi.ca, or just email me at indi@indi.ca.