The West Is Showing Its Whole Genocidal Ass

The south will never forget the open genocide of Gaza
6 min readOct 13, 2023
The Times talking about mutilated Israeli babies, while actually showing Palestinians. That’s how lazy the propaganda is. The thing about incitement to genocide is that it doesn’t need to make sense. It is, in fact, better if it doesn’t.

The West — its media, its politicians, and far too many of its people — is now openly genocidal. We are witnessing an industrial, mass media, globalized pogrom. The genocide of Gaza.

Israel has openly called Palestinians ‘animals’ and is bombing a civilian population — half of them children — with heavy munitions and burning white phosphorus. The US President has spread known lies about beheading babies, a classic pretext for inciting a pogrom. When a cease-fire was even brought up, the White House press secretary said “We believe they’re wrong. We believe they’re repugnant.” In places like France and Germany, protests are criminalized and even the Palestinian flag is banned. The whole, preening, moralizing western world has just gone completely genocidal.

Right now, we are now witnessing massive ethnic cleansing as Israel orders 1.1 million Palestinians to move while they level the north of Gaza. There is actually no exit from Gaza, it is an open air prison. Israel shoots anyone who tries to get out on their side and has bombed the exit to Egypt. America has pulled up an aircraft carrier to prevent any relief from sea. This is absolute genocide, murder, and war crimes upon war crimes. As Arnard Bertrand says, “The absence of any



Indrajit (Indi) Samarajiva is a Sri Lankan writer. Follow me at, or just email me at