The ‘Unity Of The Fields’ And Campus Greens

American universities students are being taught bitter lessons
4 min readMay 14, 2024
Image based on a real protest photo, from ‘the Chinese Internet’, whatever that means

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In my earlier analysis, I said that ‘Israel’ was fighting a six-front war. At that time, the weakest front was the Western, but not anymore. Hundreds of US University campuses have been occupied by students and — having learned nothing from history or even the present — the authorities reacted with violence, guaranteeing more protests. The elites are beating their own children in public and this is not a good look in any direction.

As the Ayatollah Khamenei of Iran said, “Today, Gaza is the world’s dominant issue. The Zionists and their American and European supporters are unable to remove the issue of Gaza from the attention of the world’s public opinion. Just look at the universities in the US and in Europe. The Resistance News Network (RNN) says, “Regardless of the distinctions in their stated goals and tactics, all of the movements that have emerged thus far are actively confronting Zionist-backed repression, and by doing so, have ignited new and very real fields in the Palestinian struggle for liberation. Gaza



Indrajit (Indi) Samarajiva is a Sri Lankan writer. Follow me at, or just email me at