The Undeath Of Democracy
Please read my stuff directly on, I barely post here anymore.
I’m in Britain (extracting my wife) and it’s surreal watching these people talk about their election. Brits talk about their school fees while every school in Gaza is destroyed. They talk about saving their National Health Service while their national savings goes to bombing every hospital in Gaza. There is a whole genocide being conducted in their name and on their credit card, and the British literally sign up for it in the act of voting.
This killing charade is, in fact, Democracy™ working as intended. Since the Greeks trademarked it, democracy has always defined rights for an in-group of citizens, and wrong for anyone outside of it. As Dimitry Kochenov said in his book Citizenship (via):
Like slavery, like sexism, like racism, citizenship knows no justification once you leave the purview of those few whom it unduly privileges. The sexists, the racists, and the super-citizens have convinced themselves, and want to convince all of us, that dignity, equality, and freedom are not to be applied to all. This is wrong.
For an illustration, Philip Brook Manville said in The Origins of Citizenship in Ancient Athens:
Athenians proposed for…