The Impact Of Iran’s Hits On ‘Israel’

How Iran has changed the balance of power
6 min readApr 16, 2024

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The point of Iran’s hits on ‘Israel’ wasn’t carnage. It was communication. They told the enemy they were going to hit them, let them get ready, and then hit them anyways. The point of these hits wasn’t mayhem. It was to send a message. The message is that Iran can hit ‘Israel’. ‘Israel’s’ air defenses are not impregnable. This was all rumored and reported, but now Iran has proven it. ‘Israel’s’ entire existence depends on deterrence and Iran was not deterred. This, for ‘Israel’, is an existential problem. The point is not that buildings were blown up. It’s that the whole security architecture surrounding ‘Israel’ is gone.

Power Projection

What Iran has just done is project power. For decades ‘Israel’ has bombed whoever they want in the region and everybody had to just take it. Now Iran has bombed ‘Israel’ itself, in the first real instance of ‘what goes around, comes around’. Iran has told ‘Israel’ that ‘we can hit you wherever we want, whenever we want, and Daddy Yankee can’t do anything about it.’ If the Al Aqsa Flood of October 7th lit the fire, April 14th was the ‘gasolina’.

As Major General Salami (of Iran) said:

“Our information on



Indrajit (Indi) Samarajiva is a Sri Lankan writer. Follow me at, or just email me at