The Evolution Of The Hegemonster

How America became a fossil-fueled monster
6 min readDec 26, 2023
Woohoo!, by Majic Monster

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Artificial evolution is the same thing as natural evolution. Same shit, different day. Artificial evolution happens through the ecosystem we vainly call ‘the economy,’ as if there is anything separate on this Earth, and there isn’t. It’s all connected, which is precisely why ‘the economy’ is breaking global ecosystems today.

Artificial life — commodities, corporations, capitalist empires — exist on Earth and as part of earthly ecosystems. This should be obvious by now because the larger ecosystem is dying, but people are still fucking around and finding out. This hubris all stems from the artificial division of the world into natural and artificial, thus entirely missing the artificial evolution happening right in front of us, and the natural destruction it causes.

This is an old topic for me, but I bring it up because understanding the politics of today becomes easier if you zoom out a few billion years, for perspective. For example, what America is doing in places like Ukraine, Taiwan, and ‘Israel’ seems politically complicated, but it’s biologically simple. Russia, China, and Palestine have resources that it wants to eat, and it makes some shit up which will all disappear…



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Indrajit (Indi) Samarajiva is a Sri Lankan writer. Follow me at, or just email me at

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