Remember Ukraine?

Ukraine is being abandoned and forgotten
5 min readNov 20, 2023

Now that the White Empire has found a poor population to drop expensive bombs on in Gaza, they’re cutting bait on Ukraine. What do you hear about Ukraine now? Crickets. The mechanical locusts of Empire have moved onto Gaza, to feed on poor souls without air defenses, NATO’s usual diet.

Today, privatized propaganda outlets barely cover Ukraine at all. Zelensky cannot get an audience of Capitol Hill or even Oprah. The same outlets also put out stories about how Ukraine is losing, or stalemating, and saying they need to negotiate. They are, as the saying goes, cutting bait. At the same time, the US Congress is not releasing more funds for Ukraine, at a point when delay means death. Joe Biden said they’d be with Ukraine until the end, and this is it.

When The Think Tanks Retreat

The think tank army is abandoning Ukraine first. In Foreign Affairs, the veteran swamp monster Richard Haas talks about ‘Redefining Success In Ukraine’ (as failure). In Wall Street Journal, some Carnegie felons say ‘It’s Time to End Magical Thinking About Russia’s Defeat.’ Of course, they still magically think this isn’t, thus, a defeat for NATO, which it is. The great imperial trick, however, is to get over the last war by burying some new people under rubble, which is precisely…



Indrajit (Indi) Samarajiva is a Sri Lankan writer. Follow me at, or just email me at