Raising Interest Rates Is Just The Rich Stealing From The Poor

The economic equivalent of blood-letting

6 min readMar 3, 2023
King John from the 1979 Robin Hood animated film

In the future, insomuch as we have one, people will look back on raising interests like we look at blood-letting. Doesn’t work, makes things, worse, and shows no understanding of the complexity of the systems involved. I won’t get into the abstract theology and unproven assumptions of mainstream economics. I’ll just talk about the impact of raising interest rates on the real economy.

What Are Interest Rates?

Interest rates are just the rate of private taxation. The government gives money to the rich (banks, primary dealers) and allows them a certain rate of usury. Interest rates are just the amount the rich are allowed to tax the poor. I say tax because it’s all charges for nothing. Credit card interest rates to just pay your bills, rates on home loans to live, rates on education loans to even participate in the economy, all things that should be publicly supported are instead privately taxed. Rich people are given assets through privatization and monopolization and are then allowed to tax the poor mercilessly. All they have to do is give ‘donations’ and ‘speaking fees’ and director’s seats to ostensibly democratic governments and the whole fraud is openly bought and paid for. I’ll repeat, interest rates




Written by indi.ca

Indrajit (Indi) Samarajiva is a Sri Lankan writer. Follow me at www.indi.ca, or just email me at indi@indi.ca.