Poverty And Damned Statistics

How economists have it all backwards, in the US and Sri Lanka

7 min readSep 27, 2023
Poverty’s increase in the heart of White Empire, via Stephen Semmler

In both America and its capital colony Sri Lanka, economists point to numbers to say people are doing fine. Reduced inflation, etc. As the old medical joke goes, “the operation was a success, but the patient died.” Here’s some numbers to tell you why the conventional statistics are lies. Poverty has increased by 60% in America and at least doubled in Sri Lanka. These are much more than numbers. These are lost lives. This is the punishment of innocent children, who had nothing to do with these economic crimes.

The fact is that who suffers in an economic crisis is not some inevitable economic law. It is a choice. You can see it clearly in both the heart of the American Empire and the darkness at its edge. The cardinal rule of what westerners call democracy is property rights. This used to mean owning people and it still does, just in disguise. The rule above all rules is that the rich must get paid and the poor must get played out. As the self-declared new slave Kanye West said, “Two words: Chi-Town raised me, crazy. So I live by two words: ‘Fuck you, pay me.‘” The troubled and troublesome man is not an idiot (though that does seem to be four words, not two). He expresses the unconscious id of America. This is the globe-spanning White Empire we still live under; we…




Indrajit (Indi) Samarajiva is a Sri Lankan writer. Follow me at www.indi.ca, or just email me at indi@indi.ca.