Know Your Enemy

China, Russia, Iran, etc are not your enemies
5 min readMar 14, 2023
Artwork based on the Rage Against The Machine song, “Know Your Enemy”

Well-meaning people reflexively denounce countries like China, Russia, and Iran. They are autocratic, they are dangerous, they are human rights violators. But where does this reflex come from? What do people within the White Empire really know about these places at all? Only what they’re told, and they’re told to hate.

Is it just coincidence that the enemies of White Empire become the villains in the Cable TV Colosseum? Is it coincidence that the masses reflexively hate these people they really do not understand? As the invaluable Caitlin Johnston writes:

In western “democracies” the majority of people are so effectively propagandized into speaking in alignment with the interests of the western empire that they may as well be taking orders on what to say at gunpoint.

As an example, here’s Pew Research documenting the effects of American propaganda while wilfully missing the point. They talk about US opinions changing based on concerns about China’s human rights, its partnership with Russia (a name which is now just supposed mean ‘bad’ when uttered), and other factors (like COVID 19, which China…



Indrajit (Indi) Samarajiva is a Sri Lankan writer. Follow me at, or just email me at