It’s Time To Overthrow The West

We can’t fight pandemics or climate change under western hegemony. We have to overthrow them.
9 min readJun 10, 2021
Gandhi during his salt march, defying imperial taxes to draw salt from the sea

Climate change, vaccine apartheid, racism, and war are different problems with one cause. Empire. The old colonial empires never disappeared, they just went capitalist. They hid behind borders and institutions but they’re still up to the same nefarious shit. The empire struck back, assembled a Death Star of resource extraction and now the whole planet is about to explode. COVID-19 was just a test shot and look how they’ve spread the disease and left everyone to die. If we don’t overthrow them now they’re going to finish the job with climate change.

The fact is that we are not going to solve our existential problems through western leadership. They’ll give us reports and ‘aid’ and committments, but they will not change. Their development model was exploitation for hundreds of years and it still is. They keep telling us to ‘develop’ like them but if we did the Earth would surely melt. We have to overthrow them and chart a new path if we are to survive.

Forget influencing them, forget appealing to their conscience (for they have none). We have to attack and dethrone them. We have to undertake the same non-violent resistance that helped overthrow apartheid and colonialism (there was…



Indrajit (Indi) Samarajiva is a Sri Lankan writer. Follow me at, or just email me at