I Lived Through Violence. It’s Coming To America
Americans don’t seem to understand, but people talking about violence eventually do it. I have seen this happen in Sri Lanka. I have seen this happen to my dog. Now it’s happening to you.
The telegraphing of violence is nothing new. It’s been this way for millions of years. Dogs growl, rattlesnakes rattle. What makes you think America’s far-white is any less serious? Look around you. Listen. Hear the howling noise from your TV set.
Blood is on the wind.
Where you are
This is where you are.
American society has already collapsed. 285,000 preventable deaths, accellerating to over 2,000 a day. Not numbers, people. Look at them. Mothers, fathers, teachers, neighbors, children. All gaping holes in your society. If you don’t call this collapse, then are you living in a society at all?
America’s government in the middle of a stupid coup. Your President is attacking election results and nearly 90% of Republican legislators support him. In the meantime you don’t have a functioning federal government at all. This is the worst thing about a failed coup, it leaves you crippled and extremely vulnerable to attack…