I Am Not Your Minority

Every minority is a majority somewhere

3 min readSep 28, 2020

I write from an underdog’s perspective, about racism, and power; but you should know. I am not your minority. Where I live, I am as majority as it gets, with all the power, privilege, and bullshit that entails.

Let me explain.

The Cops

First, let me introduce you to the cops in Sri Lanka. The police station is the site of structural racism, all over the world.

A few years ago, some asshole keyed DON’T PARK HERE on my car (which I didn’t even park, I’d loaned it to a friend). I went to the cop shed and the officer took out a giant notebook and two pens. Blue and red.

He scribbled something blue about the situation and then asked my name, which he wrote in red. Then he scribbled some more and switched back to red, like the words of Jesus I guess.


This is it. This is where the state palpitates you and feels for race. It’s not oblique round here, they just ask. I don’t know why they need this information for a police report, do different Gods watch over different cars? There is a…




Indrajit (Indi) Samarajiva is a Sri Lankan writer. Follow me at www.indi.ca, or just email me at indi@indi.ca.