How’s West Africa Doing With COVID-19?

What’s happening in Senegal, Liberia, Ghana, Nigeria, etc?
4 min readMay 21, 2020
Colored by death rate. Liberia is at 5/million. Nigeria is at 1/m. For comparison, Germany is at 97/m

What’s going on Africa? I tried answering that, but it’s a stupid question. Africa is a continent. We need to zoom in a bit. What’s going on in West Africa?

West Africa stretches from Senegal to Nigeria. Accra (Ghana) and Lagos (Nigeria) have over a dozen direct flights to Europe between them and connections to China through the Middle East, so they’ve been at risk, and indeed they have had infections for months.

The region is home to over 375 million people. It is hot here, which gives us some marginal advantages, but nowhere near enough to just stop an outbreak. There are numerous outbreaks in hot places like Singapore, India, Indonesia — Ra will not strike COVID down for us. Public health responses are still required.

But before that, let’s look a bit closer.

Throughout this I’m relying on data from OurWorldInData, which in turn gets it from the European CDC. Some countries have reliable data and some don’t, this is true in Africa but also in places like America. Be critical, but note that I’m just comparing using the data we have.

How Many People Have Died?



Indrajit (Indi) Samarajiva is a Sri Lankan writer. Follow me at, or just email me at