How Western Propaganda Has Been Privatized

Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free
9 min readMar 12, 2022
Politico, a news site, brought to you by Raytheon, an arms dealer. A Raytheon Director is also the Defense Secretary, if you’re wondering how deep it goes.

Private companies are doing the censorship and propaganda work of White Empire. Big Brother has been privatized.

Hence private companies removed the channel RT, Google is removing search results and videos, Spotify is removing podcasts, and Facebook and Twitter are removing content and accounts.

Twitter is allowing death threats, Facebook is allowing calls for violence against Russians, and the private press is positively braying for war. Foreign fighters, formerly decried as brainwashed jihadis, are lionized. Child soldiers, formerly an atrocity, are glorified.

So the people that called for blood in Iraq cry crocodile tears for Ukraine. Not for detente or negotiation, but just more arms and escalation that will tear the country in twain. Little of this comes from state media, but it’s all making the same case.

How did this happen? How did so many drummers come to beat the same rhythm at the same time? How did a symphony of propaganda become so effectively privatized?

The Information Problem

To look at Empire, specifically its capital America, let’s take Mazer Rackham’s advice from the book Ender’s Game. He said:



Indrajit (Indi) Samarajiva is a Sri Lankan writer. Follow me at, or just email me at