How ‘Israel’ Is Used To Divide And Conquer The Middle East
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Divide and conquer was how a few thousand white guys conquered 150 million Indians. They used the bloody Indians to do it. As Ian Barrow wrote in his East India Company history, “It is one of the great ironies of the Company’s history that its Indian empire was effectively won by its Indian troops.” Rich men on elephants sold out poor men to the colonizers, for peanuts. It’s not that the Brits were superior fighters, they were superior liars. They were not so much conquerors as divide and conquerors.
Today, in the same way, America (their heirs) uses a few million Jews to conquer half a billion Arabs. They used the bloody Semites to do it. As the late, great Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said, “it [‘Israel’] was established for the express purpose of dividing and partitioning the Muslim world.” Rich men on oil sold out poor men to the colonizers, for football teams and DRM-locked weapons. For peanuts. Brits, Americans, same shit, different day, it’s all one White Empire. These are not superior fighters, they’re just superior liars, and they’re still dividing and conquering to this day.