How Inclusion Is Imperialism

White Empire is just diversifying a dumpster fire
5 min readMar 20, 2023
Captain Picard in Star Trek, joining the Borg

Include us in what? Colored people and women have always been included in the White Empire at the level of slave and brood mare, and now they are the level of Prime Minister and CEO. But this is merely moving up within the White Empire, not moving out. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are not revolution, they are in fact selling out. Include us in the colonial capital dumpster fire just as it burns the whole Earth out? No thank you. This inclusion is imperialism and I want no part.

Some Assumption Sweeping

Before we start, let me clear up the mental space a bit. Let me return to a few concepts that those raised within White Empire take to be good and show how they are philosophically neutral and, in practice, bad. Those concepts are democracy and citizenship.


Like sports, democracy is war with less violence. They are both games, and the first and most important rule is who gets to play. Athenian democracy gave a lot of power to certain Athenian families, but everybody else could be enslaved or tortured at will. Roman democracy was more inclusive, but only after you’d been looted and occupied. American democracy has taken a step back in this regards, occupying and bombing people…



Indrajit (Indi) Samarajiva is a Sri Lankan writer. Follow me at, or just email me at