How I Use My Internet Addiction To Exercise

You’re a donkey. Find your carrot


I used to ignore my children because I was in the middle of an online game. Now I still ignore my children, but I don’t feel bad about it. Now I only play while exercising (stationary bike, not in traffic). I still game, but I don’t have a gaming problem. I’ve used my addiction to discipline myself.

Forget a fitness app that gives you more information. What about one that gives you less, unless you move? Unlocking your phone would take 10 push-ups. If you don’t get 10,000 steps, no social media. No YouTube unless you’ve slept for 7 hours.

Nobody needs more health data. We need discipline. That means not just another app on your phone. It means an app that disables everything else.

I do this in my own life through a few simple rules, running on the shitty Brain OS I was born with.

  1. No gaming off the bike
  2. No Twitter until I meditate

OK look, the second one I break 90% of the time, I’m working on it. The first rule is at least is simple and I stick to it. I never, ever move a game piece (I play Settlers of Catan) unless my legs are moving. I also — as much as possible — try to pedal for the entire length of a game. This means that I often spend an hour on the bike…



Indrajit (Indi) Samarajiva is a Sri Lankan writer. Follow me at, or just email me at