How Humanity Went Blind

When we blotted out the stars
5 min readMar 10, 2023
AI imagining something we forgot

Our ancestors understood the universe much better than us. They simply saw it more. Modern technology has completely whited out the night sky. Satellites and background interference are making observatories on Earth useless. We might have the exact gas composition of the universe written down somewhere, but we can’t see shit. And we think ourselves masters of the universe. We have the power of gods, and the understanding of muttals. Muttal refers to muttai, or egg. Which also refers to zero.

Humanity, in its scientific insanity, has closed its eyes to infinity. The infinity that is plainly written across the skies, if you don’t blast lights everywhere and blind yourself. And so we are, literally, flying blind. Flying around a sun, relying just on our instruments. It’s crazy. A few hundred years of science are what has caused climate collapse, along with the ‘enlightened’* destruction of much older, much wiser philosophical systems. This is the hubris that I often talk about, and there’s no greater sign of it that going out at night and looking up.

What the fuck have we done? The gods have obviously abandoned us. They’re fucking gone.

As much as we have written down, measured, and invented based on knowledge of the universe, look how much we have lost. Abul Hasan Ibn Ishaq could…



Indrajit (Indi) Samarajiva is a Sri Lankan writer. Follow me at, or just email me at