How Anger Scars A House

Lessons from locking a kid in a room (not on purpose)
4 min readApr 24, 2021

The fan in the dressing room is bent and rotates all fucked up. I’m sitting in bed, looking at it, and it’s a whirlpool into the past. Why is the fan bent? Because I got angry at my son. I didn’t throw him into the fan or anything. Just a series of events ended up there, because I got angry.

We have scars from that (isolated) incident all around the house. The guest room has jagged gashes around the lock. The bathroom window was wrenched off its hinges. All because my son got angry, and I got angry as well. Anger is opening the door to chaos. Who knows where it will end up.

In our case, this was the literal problem. We couldn’t open the door. I put him in the guest room for a time out and stepped outside because I couldn’t take the screaming. Frankly, because I wanted him to ‘cry it out’. I was being a dick. Then he turned the latch, and locked himself in. Then, of course, he couldn’t get out. Showed me.

I went frantically looking for the keys while nearby construction workers tried to jimmy the lock, I went upstairs, looking for the spare keys. I got a ladder and climbed to the storage cupboards, opening them while the fan was on. They’re at the same level, and SLAM. Bent blade, lucky fingers, squeaky fan for life.



Indrajit (Indi) Samarajiva is a Sri Lankan writer. Follow me at, or just email me at