Hospitals and The Horror

It cannot go on like this, and by it I mean America and ‘Israel’
6 min readJun 4, 2024
“Dr. Mohamed Al-Haj Ahmed, shot by an Israeli sniper, with a bullet penetrating his back and exiting his hand at Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern #Gaza. Dr. Mohamed Al-Haj Ahmed, shot by an Israeli sniper, with a bullet penetrating his back and exiting his hand at Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern #Gaza. His parents & sister were killed in the attack. Despite his injuries, he hasn’t abandoned the wounded, continuing to treat them!” (Via)

I’m in the hospital (for someone else, who’s fine) and the thought of someone bombing this place is just abominable. It’s unimaginable and yet I must imagine it, because it’s happening right now. I think of the walls being pierced with tank shells, the roof coming down, soldiers and drones coming in and shooting…



Indrajit (Indi) Samarajiva is a Sri Lankan writer. Follow me at, or just email me at