Crashing Ships Are Signs Of The (End) Times

The future won’t have these fossil-fuelled dinosaurs at all
7 min readMar 28, 2024
The gods are trying to tell us something, like ‘fuck you’

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Planes falling out the sky and ships crashing are not anomalies. These are signs of the times. This is the new normalcy. It’s not just Boeing or Baltimore, the Panama Canal is running dry and the Red Sea is off-limits cause western genocide. Almost every choke-point is choking, and these are just the signs. The planet itself is calling time.

Global flying and shipping as we know it simply will not exist in the near future. Such mass, massive, machines are not long for this world. Soon they will be strange skeletons, like the giant dinosaurs. The fossil-fuelled will become fossils themselves. Some smaller form may survive the cataclysm (shout out birds), but not these beasts. That’s why all these ‘accidents’ aren’t isolated events. They’re part of the collapse of everything.

Let’s start with the fact that we can’t keep going in these beasts because we’re headed straight for the bridges connecting us to the rest of the natural world. We’ve long since lost power to the artificial beasts, so the natural world will just be a casualty. This is a problem because the natural is what the artificial eats. Thus this economy will starve to death while choking on its own…



Indrajit (Indi) Samarajiva is a Sri Lankan writer. Follow me at, or just email me at