Corporations Are Unions Of Rich People

And they hate competition
2 min readDec 15, 2022
Sri Lanka’s famous trade union leader, Joseph Stalin

Corporations are unions. They are literally organized groups of people (shareholders). Corporation have union meetings (shareholder meetings) and take collective action (board resolutions). The capitalist class is highly unionized and they have no objection to the general concept. They just don’t like working class people doing it.

A union is working people getting together to advance their interests. This is generally good for business because people on the ground know what the fuck is going on, unlike shareholders who are quite happy to loot their own companies with share-buybacks and leveraged buyouts. In Germany, in fact, worker presence is mandated on most company boards, combining the two forms. Yet in most of the world (and much of Germany I assume) the two forms of organization are antagonistic.

Capitalist unions (shareholders0 advance their interests at the expense of worker unions, and traditionally try to destroy the latter with guns, truncheons, and the modern violence of withholding healthcare and firing people. This is generally bad for companies and the economy in general, but capitalism has always been about short-term looting, of the colonies, of the working poor at home, and of the planet at large.



Indrajit (Indi) Samarajiva is a Sri Lankan writer. Follow me at, or just email me at