Bad Cat And Great God
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I left a chicken to thaw in the sink, covered with a cutting board, and went to sleep. I wondered why the cat didn’t come to bed, but at least nobody was pouncing on my feet. Turns out that the maid had removed the board and the cat was downstairs, having a fancy feast…
“A cat in Dragonese is called ‘miaowla’. Dragonese is the languge dragons speak,” by Luna. “10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 blast off! The cat zoomed into space! He zoomed past the planets, and he zoomed past the stars and the sun! He cept on zooming and zooming thru space,” by Miro. Excuse me, I’m single-parenting the kids for the moment and they’ve taken over. As I was saying,
The cat had dragged the chicken — weighing nearly as much itself — all the way across the room and onto the rug, which is where I found it in the morning. The cat had just ripped through the bag and was happily chawing on a wing. Luckily he hadn’t gotten any further. Is this chicken halal anymore? Was it now, technically, carrion? And what do I do with this cat? He’s unhygienic, ungrateful, and constantly getting into trouble. In a very small way, this must be how Allah feels. They’re trying to help humans and we’re just stupid and dirty and ungrateful about it.