At Every Crucial Juncture In History, The Bad Guys Won

The age of discovery was destruction, and the Cold War ended with the worst people on top
5 min readSep 25, 2022
The Scoop (2018) by Kent Monkman. The Canadian theft and murder of indigenous children.

When you learn history—and by ‘you’, I mean ‘me’—you learn an arc. This arc of course bends towards justice, later. The arc starts with an age of discovery followed by enlightenment, then an age of information, leading all, quite perplexingly to total systems collapse. Where did we go wrong? The answer is everywhere. At every crucial juncture of history, the victors wrote the history, but the victors were assholes. The bad guys won.

The Age Of Discovery

The ‘age of discovery’ is told as a superior civilization triumphing over an inferior one, with a few genocides and enslavements as mere boo-boos on an otherwise benevolent record. “We did bring you science, please shut up”. In truth, it was a measurably inferior civilization, the savage warring tribes of Western Asia projecting their violence outwards, brutally displacing civilizations that had lived in balance for thousands of years. These tribes, who called themselves Europeans, claimed great advancements in technology, but these were more like the blaze that comes from burning your own house. They started burning the ecosystem then and they never stopped.



Indrajit (Indi) Samarajiva is a Sri Lankan writer. Follow me at, or just email me at