America’s Only Election Choices Are Imperialism Or Fascism

Biden’s a Nazi abroad, Trump’s a Nazi at home. Pick your poison
6 min readDec 5, 2023
Two Face, from Batman the Animated Series

America’s only choices are imperialism abroad, or fascism at home. They can blow up the world, as Biden is doing, or blow up their own country via Trump. In the end both disasters will happen, just in different proportions. Biden is also destroying America, and Trump is also terrible for the world. There is no ‘lesser’ evil in America. It’s just nearer or further evil. The ‘evil’ in the evil Empire is constant no matter what.

The Further Führer

Joe Biden is the further führer, unleashing his worst predations abroad. Right now, he is presiding over the industrial genocide of the Palestinian people, while also getting his proxy ass-kicked in Ukraine and destroying Germany, like some other führers we know. If he gets re-elected who knows how many more wars he’ll start. He’s going to die in a few years and he seems determined to take as many people with him as possible.

Biden has unleashed an absolute necrophiliac orgy of corruption in Ukraine and has already moved onto the more comfortable terrain of Palestine, dropping expensive bombs on poor people without air defenses. Being the world’s biggest arms dealer is the only Presidential job he takes…



Indrajit (Indi) Samarajiva is a Sri Lankan writer. Follow me at, or just email me at