American Troops ARE Losers And Suckers

What else do you call stormtroopers that both lose and suck?
4 min readSep 4, 2020
American troops are an occupying army, not heroes. Fuck your troops

One thing American liberals and conservatives can unite around is killing brown people for sport. True American heroism, never to be questioned. I can understand feeling sorry for your troops, but spare some thought for the people they occupy, drone, rape, torture and kill across the world. Spare all the thought.

Dear America, you’re the baddies.

What service?

Americans like to thank soldiers for their service, but what service? How does spending $6 trillion killing Muslims serve you? That’s money that could have made you a developed country? You have no fucking healthcare. You’re poor. The world is laughing at you. What service is this? Someone should call a manager.

What heroes?

Americans like to call their troops heroes when they get killed while killing 10x more brown people. This is a like lionizing Orwell’s boot, stomping on a human face forever. Your troops aren’t heroes for getting killed in Afghanistan or Iraq. WTF were they doing there? Most of your troops are cowards, hiding behind body armor and convoys or even bombing people from a computer screen in Iowa. What heroes are these? To the rest of the world it’s just wave…



Indrajit (Indi) Samarajiva is a Sri Lankan writer. Follow me at, or just email me at