A Vaccine Isn’t Going To Save America

There is no vaccine for stupid. There is no cure for cruel

4 min readSep 6, 2020
It’s the Walking Dead

Americans think that finding a vaccine is like defeating the final boss in a movie, wherein all the baddies drop dead. It doesn’t work like that. A vaccine needs to be delivered through functioning institutions and taken by a non-insane population, precisely the things they lack.

A country that can’t distribute pieces of plastic to doctors cannot distribute a vaccine. A country that can’t wear a fucking mask will not take a vaccine.

For the same reasons that America is fucked now, they will continue to be fucked even with a vaccine. Their population is simply too arrogant and dumb to hang together, so they will all hang separately. As I have said, America is dead. An American passport will be radioactive for years. Joe Biden won’t save them, and neither will a vaccine.

The science is willing but the body politic is weak. We may well get a vaccine for COVID-19, but there is no vaccine for stupid. I’m afraid that’s terminal.

If you can’t mask, don’t even ask

In one of the many rage strokes that science journalists are having these days…




Indrajit (Indi) Samarajiva is a Sri Lankan writer. Follow me at www.indi.ca, or just email me at indi@indi.ca.